You are not in a Hallmark movie set in a small town on the East Coast, where couples are bundled up in sweaters as they compete in the town’s apple bobbing and pie contests.
Browsing: TV shows
If I’m somehow offending you with that statement, then — sorry, not sorry — you are likely watching movies and TV shows wrong while simultaneously detracting from the little details that make them great.
Andie Day, a 2011 Baylor graduate,
has succeeded where many college students have failed: finding a job straight out of college.
Andie Day, a 2011 Baylor graduate, has succeeded where many college students have failed: finding a job straight out of college.
Just one year after graduating, Day works as a freelance costumer and has served on the sets of two cable television shows, as well as numerous independent films. Day said she advises students to use their time in college to gain on-site work experience.
“Intern as much as you can while you’re in school,” Day said. “I think you are best to get all that working-for-free stuff out of the way while you’re in school. You’re getting ahead of all of the kids who don’t think they have to work.”