Browsing: senate

Money and debate chops weren’t enough to unseat Cruz. Bradford Holland, the immediate past chair of the McLennan County Republican Party, said the win means that Texans held fast against “outside-of-Texas money” and have shown the state to be “solidly red.”

The Student Body Constitution states that fall elections must occur prior to the sixth Friday of the semester, which would be Oct. 4. However, a delay arose due to a previously unfilled vacancy in the electoral commissioner position, Hewitt sophomore and senate public relations chair Naomi Burgess said.

The average citizen doesn’t seem to grasp that beyond a short list of enumerated powers, the president is little more than a figurehead. Much to their chagrin, “single-handedly ensuring the holistic success of the United States while establishing an immaculate economy” is not in his job description.

In a struggle steeped in election-year politics, supporters of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline are seeking a swift Senate vote on legislation to approve construction of the project that environmentalists oppose strongly and the Obama administration has delayed indefinitely.

Bipartisan Senate bargainers ended a long-running election-season standoff and struck a compromise renewing expired jobless benefits for five months for more than 2 million Americans who have been out of work the longest, the lawmakers said Thursday.

WASHINGTON — Legislation to raise the federal debt limit and prevent a crippling government default cleared Congress on Wednesday with an awkward assist from top Senate Republican leaders who were forced into a politically treacherous vote engineered by tea party favorite Ted Cruz.

Two years in the making, a new farm bill sailed to the Senate on the winds of congressional bipartisan support. Tuesday, the legislation that will set the tone for the next five years of American food policy left the Senate for a signature from the Oval Office.