Browsing: Revival

One of the most important things to remember is that the revival doesn’t only exist in “thin spaces” or events that ignite this passion among our generation of believers. The moments and the time after are what truly matter. It is easy to live stagnant, knowing and trusting God’s plan for you, but there are no limits, and there should never be a point at which you stop actively pursuing your faith.

After a successful first camping trip in October, Kamp Love at Baylor is seeking to expand its ministry by combining love for the gospel with love for the outdoors — all for the greater purpose of cultivating campus unity and lifting up the name of Jesus.

“I think we need to stay on the track of not trying to force anything; I just hope that Christians aren’t trying to exactly replicate what’s happening in Asbury and that they’re trying to have their own mix and really trying to worship God in their own way,” Baker said.