Growing up in the boom of technology, college students have come to know the changing landscape of school and work. Whether it be the regularity of weekend exams, 11:59 p.m. deadlines or last-minute emails, the way current students interact with school is severed from the “good ol’ days” — weekends and breaks absent of homework — preached upon by elders.
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It may feel as though carrying on is a necessary sacrifice to make, but a gap year could help take care of burnout and leave you refreshed and ready to enter more school or the job market.
Since switching career paths after nearly a full year’s worth of mental breakdowns, I quickly realized that many people still believe the stigma of liberal arts degrees being a waste of time and money, implying that there is little to no return on the investment. However, research and statistics disprove that claim, with liberal arts degrees being shown to provide both wealth and invaluable preparation for the ever-changing job market.