Despite adverse weather conditions and sudden venue changes, the Baylor population and the Waco community came to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the dedication ceremony of the Baylor Community Garden.

The Operations and Procedures Committee of Student Senate, which is responsible for reviewing bills involving internal issues and official documents, has continued the process of revising the Electoral Code this semester.

This semester Baylor has added a new course to the curriculum for Medical Humanities majors and minors. The course, Medical Humanities 3300: Visual Arts and Healing, is focused on the study of healing through art techniques that will fine tune and enhance motor skills.

Early Monday morning, two armed men robbed local Cash Stores and later that night the two suspects ran from police through Baylor’s campus.

“Every student’s going to go through the experience after college where they have bigger financial responsibilities than they had before, so the best way to prepare is to start now,” Tole said.

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“Students can donate their swipes all year long, it is not limited to the season of Thanksgiving,” Whitmore said. “Events like these are a big reminder how much of a social aspect eating and sharing a meal with other is, which is why we use All-University Thanksgiving as a big push for students to share what they have with those less fortunate in their community.”

No. 17 Baylor volleyball went up against Texas Tech on Wednesday night at the Ferrell Center. After a hard-fought match, the Bears took the match in a sweep, 29-27, 25-18, 25-18, recovering after the losing their eight-match win streak last week.

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