By Eden Morris I Reporter
Waco is experiencing unity more than ever on a church-wide and college ministry scale, according to several local college pastors and Baylor students.
Drew Humphrey has held the title as Highland Baptist Church‘s college pastor for 15 years.
“I would say six or seven years ago, we loved each other, but were in a way kind of almost competing and not collaborating,” Humphrey said. “It wasn’t toxic, but it wasn’t positive either.”
Dale Wallace accepted his position as Harris Creek Baptist Church‘s college pastor in 2022.
“I don’t think churches were as healthy as they are now,” Wallace said. “There are more churches that are healthier right now in Waco than I think ever before.”
Wallace said his friendship with Humphrey extends long before their ministry.
“Drew and I met in college on 10th Street through friends,” Wallace said. “God, long before we knew, it just weaved all of our stories together and made us friends before we were even locking arms in ministry.”
Humphrey said he, Wallace and Austin Murray, college pastor of Antioch Waco, work well together.
“Dale and I went on a mission trip together and worked together in college. He was my roommate in England multiple times on mission trips,” Humphrey said. “Austin and I have been equally as close over the years, a genuine love and friendship that is also a partnership and ministry. It goes way back when we were much younger.”
Humphrey said that FM72 is another reason why he believes the college ministries in Waco have united through Baylor students.
“We made a group text with seven or eight churches that work really closely together and mostly we work closely together through the FM72 ministry,” he said. “We try to work collaborate, not compete. We all text Sunday morning at 7 a.m. saying ‘Hey, praying for God to move your church,’ and it’s genuine.”
Wallace said that he accounts their unity by the three pastors of Highland, Harris Creek and Antioch setting the example in their friendship. Humphrey said that he accounts church unity to Psalm 133.
“Unity is good, unity is pleasing, but it’s actually a blessing and God’s anointing starts to flow,” he said. “All of this spiritual momentum and spiritual hunger and prayer and evangelism, all that we’re experiencing in college ministry, I think, partly is from the Lord, Psalm 133, blessing us and anointing this place because of unity.”
Humphrey said he grabs tacos and coffee with Wallace and Murray on a regular basis.
“It’s one thing when it’s FM72 and we’re all together; it’s another thing when it’s like I like genuinely love these guys,” he said. “They are my friends, and I want to support them, share with them and help them.”