By Clara Lincicome | Reporter
The accounting core is the program required of accounting majors at Baylor and consists of three consecutive semesters of core classes. Students in the core are currently in their accounting recruitment season and are interviewing for internships that will take place in the spring or summer of 2022.
“They do an exceptional job of making sure you have enough resources, checking your resume, doing mock interviews and linking you with recruiters,” Kansas City, Kan., sophomore Dylan Schmidt said.
Sunnyvale sophomore Katie Threet said the program gives students opportunities to find exactly what they are looking for.
“Last fall, we started the recruitment process with pre-recruiting events, virtual networking nights where we got to meet with different accounting firms and network with some of their people,” Threet said. “We got to know the company, the firm, what they’re about and decide if they would be a good fit going forward.”
After the accounting career fairs and networking nights, students were able to get a feel for which firms they would want to intern for.
“I reached out to the recruiters I had met with and followed up with them, so I could get to know them better,” Schmidt said. “Then applications were due late February, and once those went through, this whole month is interviews.”
Schmidt had two interviews this past week and said he is hoping to hear back from two more in the near future.
“I am applying exclusively to the ‘big four’ — the four biggest accounting firms in the world,” Schmidt said. “I’ve already heard back from two. [Ernst & Young] and Deloitte so far have reached out.”
Fort Collins, Colo., sophomore Courtney Dix said one of the firms she is interested in interning with is BMWL.
“They specifically do accounting for non-profits and churches, and I’m really interested in that because that’s specifically what I want to do with my degree — help mission-minded people go out and figure out their finances, the part they aren’t passionate about but need to do,” Dix said.
Threet said she is keeping an open mind while interviewing for firms.
“Most people at Baylor look at the ‘big four.’ I’m also looking at a couple of mid-size firms, and then I’m really interested in a firm that deals with non-profits and ministries and doing accounting for them,” Threet said.
Dix said she feels that Baylor’s accounting program prepares students to become the best possible candidates for internship positions during the current recruitment process.
“They really care about every student that’s a part of the accounting core and want to help you be successful after you leave Baylor,” Dix said.