Find strength in vulnerability, share your story

By Kennedy Dendy | Broadcast Reporter

Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” I have always admired this quote, and these profound words remain close to my heart. That was me. I was afraid to speak my heart and weighed down by an unknown fear of transparency.

What is your story? Each one of us have a voice that has the power to change the life of someone who needs it the most. Sharing your story is a testimony to others that there is hope for their situation. Even through our darkest times, our experiences all happened for a reason and can be used in ways that can speak into the hearts of those who are broken, lost or afraid.

If you have a gift to write, write. If you have a gift to speak, speak. Don’t withhold your voice from the world, because we all have a story that needs to be shared. Embrace who you are, what makes you unique and the journey that you took to become who you are today. Packed inside each of us are life experiences, gifts, talents and a purpose that have affected who we are today. Through the highs and lows and everything in between, we have each reached this point in our lives for a reason.

Sharing your story takes courage, and it is definitely easier said than done. It can come with doubts and insecurity. Which voices are you listening to?

My story began at the young age of 5 when I walked in the door with my mother and twin brother just moments after my father had taken his own life. That night is still a vivid picture that I will never forget. As a child, I refrained from talking about my loss out of fear of being “different.” I let the opinions of others hold me back from receiving healing that would come from simply speaking. As I grew older, I knew that I had a story inside of me. However, fear held me back from the transparency and vulnerability that I desperately needed in my life. I would soon find out that sharing my story would bring great healing to my soul. It allowed me to understand that my words deserve to be shared with the world.

It’s amazing how much power can come by speaking, by getting a little vulnerable despite the fear that it can bring, by acknowledging and accepting that our past does not define our future. I felt free. Through my transparency, I am able to relate to others around me and speak wisdom into their lives.

Find your voice and share it with the world. Imagine the impact that your words can make on the life of someone going through the same thing you have been through. Own your story. It’s time to share it.

Kennedy is junior journalism major from Grapevine.

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