Lariat Letters: Electoral Code should be student senators’ priority

As a new wave of elections approaches, there are numerous modifications and amendments that student government needs to consider.

The most critical and pressing issue is the approval of the newly revised electoral code. This sentiment was strongly reflected in yesterday’s editorial, “Before the Clock Runs Out.”
Time is running out.

While last year’s commission played a colorful game of Twister with the code, the most disheartening aspect of the entire debacle was the lack of consideration for precedent.
Many students believed that the commission and Student Court intentionally ignored precedent. This quick shift in policy left a highly qualified candidate (who the student body approved—he won with more than 50 percent of the vote) with an unfair appeals process and an unjust outcome.

The rules concerning the disqualification are messy and overly subjective, and this highlights the dilemma student government faces every year. What will the organization accomplish during the school year? Most importantly, which issues are most pressing?

A group of bold senators established their goals early in the year. By November they’d brought their concerns before Senate. They spent time considering the wrongdoings of last year’s election and sought to correct them. Shouldn’t this sentiment be reflected throughout all branches of student government? I have seen only a handful of Issue of the Week surveys; few editorials from the leadership; and a lack of ingenuity. The ’09-’10 student body officers left the present administration with many successful programs already in place — programs that proved to be effective in representing the student body’s voice.

It is reassuring to see a group of passionate senators actively pursuing change rather than waiting for the next election problem to arise.

Not only will their actions ensure fairness for all future Baylor elections, their work will also stand as the greatest expression of popular opinion that student government has achieved all year.

– Kate Williams
Thousand Oaks, Calif.