Browsing: Westboro Baptist Church

Fred Phelps, Sr. is dead. This piece of information is undeniably true. Phelps will never again raise a ruckus about how much “God hates fags,” which he has vehemently spouted and touted on picket signs at too many protests to count. What remains up in the air is whether or not the American public is handling his death appropriately.

Visitors attempting to access the Baylor Lariat’s website Tuesday morning were greeted with a message saying the site was temporarily down after a huge influx of traffic from a user’s post on the social news website Reddit.

When I think of the rights that are unique to American citizens, one of the first things that comes to my mind is the right to free speech. Since the birth of the United States, citizens have been able to share their thoughts without restriction from the government, excepting of course the Sedition Act put into effect in 1918 that was quickly shot down in 1920 after the end of World War I. Margie Phelps, of the Westboro Baptist Church, answers questions from attendees at the College Media Advisers’ 2011 spring college…

Little can be said to ease the pain resulting from the horrible tragedy of the Tucson, Ariz., shootings on Jan. 8 in which six people died and 14 more were wounded. However, much can be said to bring more pain to the people of the community, especially from the thoughtless actions of media-hungry protesters.