Browsing: Philosophy

I believe that God did not give everyone the drive they needed to achieve what they wanted. Not everyone has the drive to work hard to pursue their dreams. The drive to push distractions aside with no hesitation. The drive to risk everything to make sure the world is shaped the way they envision. Some people are OK with having other people tell them what they’re supposed to do in life, but how can someone go on their own path if they’re too busy listening to others?

What do ancient Greek figures such as Phaethon and Arachne have to do with us today, and why should we pay attention to the lessons they learned? These are the questions that Emmy-nominated film producer and Baylor professor SJ Murray seeks to answer in her newly-founded nonprofit, “The Greats Story Lab.”

It’s natural to be stubborn when you’ve had an opinion for a long time. That being said, I implore nonreligious students to at least try a more in-depth religious course. You could truly learn new things and see the world from a different point of view.

Some people think majoring in philosophy is impractical, but others believe there are hidden benefits.

“A great myth of our day is that philosophy does not lead to a high paying position,” said Dr. Todd Buras, associate professor of religion.