The Baylor Business Selling Outside competition is one of five in-school competitions ProSales majors take part in each year. This year, 136 ProSales majors role-played a scenario in which they represented a technology firm attempting to provide a software product to a beleaguered HR department.
Browsing: experience
The U.S. News annual best colleges report was released last Tuesday, ranking Baylor among the best in the nation for undergraduate education and first-year experience.
I learned to embrace my heritage and culture — You should too. Be proud of where you are from. You are a unique individual and you have a story to tell.
With almost 25 years of experience in international education, Debra Wainscott has found her calling as an international student academic support specialist.
Applications to work for The Baylor Lariat next semester are open through April 22, so we thought we’d share some of our favorite parts about being on staff.
There were good parts of Line Camp, such as the friends I made and the knowledge I left with. It also helped familiarize me with the campus and nearby areas. However, between the emotional rollercoaster and the sleep deprivation, it was overbearing and a bit peculiar at times.
Get to campus and immerse yourself in tradition — the way of the bear on the day of the bear.
“If you do not know the poor you can’t serve the poor, if you’re not feeding the poor you’re not feeding Christ [and] if you’re not clothing the poor, you’re not clothing Christ,” Riemer said. “This work is very much central to the Christian faith experience and without it I don’t know the degree to which you can fully and authentically know God and who he’s calling you to be.”
Amid a holiday season full of joyous occasions, family traditions and a break from school, buying gifts can be a real stressor — but it doesn’t have to be.