Browsing: Emma Wood

At the box office, the worldwide phenomenon “Fifty Shades of Grey” made $85 million, while the book stayed on the top of the New York Times Bestseller list for 78 weeks. But how has this global hit impacted relationships?

We all feel it: that ball in the pit of your stomach when you know a big assignment is due, a test is coming up, or a pop quiz might be on the horizon.

Members of the I Heart Me campaign raised awareness for women by not wearing makeup and sporting their I Heart Me T-shirts Wednesday. The no-makeup day was in conjunction with the campaign’s “I Heart Me Day.”

The lights burn bright as members of the crowd talk among themselves, a dull drone humming throughout the room. Jennifer Bell, a 22-year-old University of Texas student and singer, takes the stage at a local coffee shop, centering herself before performing her newest work.

Baylor students attending the first workshop for the I Heart Me Campaign last Thursday, learned about self-worth and how to express an agape love not only for themselves but for everyone around them.

Baylor and the Body IQ work team hope to change the community in regards to diversity, respect, compassion, justice, acceptance, service and freedom with the “I Heart Me” campaign.