Archaeologists excavating a large burial mound in northern Greece that has captivated the public’s imagination have asked politicians and others seeking guided tours of the site to leave them in peace.
Browsing: Egypt
The United States on Wednesday cut hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to its Mideast ally Egypt, responding to the military ouster last summer of the nation’s first democratically elected president and the crackdown on protesters that has sunk the country into violent turmoil.
While the State Department did not provide a dollar amount of what was being withheld, most of it is linked to military aid. In all, the U.S. provides $1.5 billion in aid each year to Egypt.
The study abroad trip wasn’t going as she’d hoped.
Austin junior Rachel Clark watched as one American student after another left for the Cairo International Airport.
On June 1, a little more than a month before Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi was deposed, Clark arrived in Cairo to take two six-week classes, Egyptian Polictics and Government and Arab Society. Originally, she was supposed to stay for eight weeks. Because of the turmoil of Morsi being removed from office, Clark was forced to leave three weeks early.
In 1979, Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel. Part of the agreement included aid for Egypt from the United States. Since that time, the U.S. has aided Egypt with about $2 billion per year.
Last Wednesday more than 73 people died in a riot during a soccer game in Port Said, Egypt. This tragedy has been dubbed one of the bloodiest game riots since a similar event in Guatemala in 1996.
From playing with orphans in Kenya, to viewing a cultural dance in Cairo, or walking along the Great Wall in China, learning a language can provide new opportunities and adventures.
Suggested things to say when a woman is sexually assaulted: Is there anything I can do? I am so sorry this happened. I am with you.
From the minute of waking up, the news is literally at most people’s fingertips. For politics, there’s CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. Sports fans use ESPN; the technology minded have Engadget. TMZ provides up-to-the-minute coverage of your favorite (and least favorite) celebrities in their most flattering and unflattering situations.
With the Egyptian Revolution leading to the ouster of Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year authoritarian rule and seeming unrest sweeping across Iran, Algeria, Bahrain and much of the rest the Middle East, democracy is becoming a cultural buzz word.
How the newspeople of our time went to Egypt, researched the situation, informed the world and then fought for democracy.
As tensions and political unrest began to rise in Egypt over the past two weeks, two Baylor students studying there found themselves caught between recommendations that they leave and their own desires to stay in a country they had grown to love.
The two Baylor students participating in a study abroad program at American University in Cairo have left Egypt because of its political unrest and are now waiting to see how the situation unfolds before making further plans.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a people subject to the British Empire. They worked hard to sustain their livelihoods, but tensions led to British officers firing upon crudely armed villagers. Eventually, this spark was fanned into widespread discontent of British rule; the people shucked the colonial yoke in favor of a new republic.