Contact the Lariat
The Baylor Lariat is happy to accept letters, comments, questions and suggestions from its readers.
To ensure that your submission is received by the appropriate Lariat staff member, please choose a link below that best fits your query and submit the appropriate form.
Letters to the Editor
Click here to submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to The Lariat regarding editorials and columns published in the Lariat’s Opinion section.
Advertising Office
Click here to contact the Lariat Advertising Office
The Lariat staff can be reached at their newsroom located in Castellaw 232, Monday-Thursday, 1:00-5:00 p.m. at (254)-710-1712.
To send mail to the Lariat newsroom, please use the address provided below:
The Baylor Lariat
One Bear Place, PO Box #97330
Waco, Texas 76798-7330