By Bella Whitmore | Intern
There is no doubt that in more recent years, the SUB has branched out with more diverse and interesting food options. And while having classic options like Chick-fil-A and Panda Express is great, there needs to be more variety in the food choices at the SUB.
I mean, could you imagine the uproar if they added a Chipotle?
That might be a little unrealistic, but the sentiment still stands true. Of course, the convenience of Chick-fil-A and Panda Express is pretty nice, especially for busy college kids who are constantly on the move. But sometimes, you just crave a healthier alternative.
You don’t have to always trade convenience for health, and it should be made a priority on college campuses.
In terms of cultural variety, it would be nice to see more diversity. There are currently three Asian food restaurants out of the small number of food options already. Since there’s a Panda Express, Yaki and Asian Tako, one should be swapped out in favor of a different cultural food to provide better options.
It’s high time to sub Panda Express out for something new.
We live in Central Texas and yet don’t have any good Tex-Mex options besides last year’s Moe’s in the Baylor Science Building, which has since been replaced by Copperhead Jack’s. Since the SUB is central to most of campus, all of the best options and variety need to be represented there as opposed to another building.
In terms of coffee, it would be nice to see Common Grounds possibly switched out for something different.
I love Common Grounds as much as the next Baylor student, but considering there is already one right on the perimeter of campus, I would love to see something new added to the space in the SUB.
With a campus as bustling as Baylor and with a diverse student body, the student center needs to reflect this fact. Whether it’s a new Mexican food place, Italian or Thai, more variety could even serve as an opportunity to promote local restaurants and cafes.