Battle on the Burning Sands is a stepping event that has been hosted by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for 13 years. Fraternities and sororities from as far as Arkansas come to Baylor’s campus every year to participate and hours of preparation, practice and advertising go into making this event possible.
The stepping event will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday in Waco Hall. Tickets can be purchased through the Baylor Student Activities online ticket office or on Saturday through the Waco Hall Box Office beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Houston, senior Anthony Taylor, vice president of Alpha Phi Alpha and chair of Battle on the Burning Sands shared his experience attending the stepping show for the first time his freshman year. Since then, he said he knew he had to be a part of it.
“On a day-to-day basis on Baylor’s campus, you don’t see the culture aspect that you get going to Battle on the Burning Sands. Seeing the culture of all the fraternities and sororities brought so much joy to my heart, and actually becoming an Alpha, it became my duty to put on such a good event that I had my freshman year,” Taylor said.
San Diego, Calif., junior Dante Lemon said that the step show has attracted several fraternity and sorority chapters nationwide because of the culture shown at the event. As a member of Alpha Phi Alpha and coming from a family who has been in Greek life, this culture was never new to him. Lemon said how much stepping and this show means to him.
“Stepping goes back to when we [Alpha Phi Alpha] were founded. Stepping is the way we express our creativity and ourselves. There is so much history that comes with the show, and it is amazing to be apart of it,” Lemon said.
Baylor Phi Beta Sigma will be competing in the event for the first time in several years.
“We are excited to show Baylor University we are back,” junior Sugarland, Texas, Charles Bisong said.
President of Phi Beta Sigma, Sugarland, junior Charlz Bisong shared his excitement and the preparation he and his brothers have for the show. He said that last year, Phi Beta Sigma hosted a step show and the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity won. Since then, they knew they had to win, Bisong said.
“We are looking for revenge. We have been practicing everyday for two to three hours, and we are all supporting each other because we are trying to win,” Bisong said.