By Rae Jefferson
Staff Writer
Baylor students, faculty, staff and friends are mourning the loss of Dr. Daniel Greene, senior history lecturer, who died unexpectedly at a local hospital Wednesday. His funeral services are still being organized.
“Our hearts are very heavy today at the news of the sudden passing of Dr. Greene,” said Lori Fogleman, assistant vice president of media communications. “Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, especially his wife Dr. Joan Supplee, with his faculty and staff colleagues, and with the countless students he has influenced over the years.”
In the news flash email, Dr. Jeff Hamilton, history professor and department chair, said Greene’s passion for his work was not hidden behind his quiet nature. Greene was often “the face of the history department” for new Baylor students, Hamilton said.
“Student evaluation comments consistently stress his passion for history, his ability to communicate clearly and explain complex issues and his respectful treatment of students,” Hamilton said. “His colleagues will miss his subtle wit and gentle laugh. His passing leaves a void we can never entirely fill.”
Philadelphia, Penn., junior Chierra Williams said she had Greene for a history class during her sophomore year at Baylor.
“Dr. Greene was definitely passionate about his class,” she wrote in an email to the Lariat. “He always knew how to keep me interested in his lectures. He came to class every day prepared and equipped with a smile on his face.”
Greene’s interest in history was contagious and reminded Williams of a high school teacher who sparked her interest in history.
“I didn’t think I would have an experience like this again,” Williams wrote. “By reading novels along and listening to his lectures, I had a different learning experience and saw the information I was learning from a different angle.”
Several Baylor students took to Twitter to express their condolences for Greene and his family.
“RIP Dr. Greene. My prayers and condolences go out to your loved ones,” San Antonio freshman Trevor Taylor tweeted.
Fredericksburg junior Ryan Finn also expressed himself via Twitter.
“Wow. Rest in Peace Dr. Greene, you were loved by so many,” he tweeted.
Like other members of the Baylor family, Williams expressed condolences for Greene’s family.
“To the Greene family, I would say, ‘Keep your heads up and remain encouraged knowing that Dr. Greene was a great man that will truly be missed here at Baylor,’” Williams wrote.