Baylor VP for development called back to Florida


By Linda Wilkins
Staff Writer

Dr. Jerry T. Haag, vice president for development at Baylor, announced on Monday that he is resigning from the position he acquired in April.

He will be returning to his position as president of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes, according to a university press release that came out Monday.

“After prayerful consideration and searching, we are certain this is God’s will for us to return to the Florida Baptist Children’s Home,” Haag said in an interview Monday.

President Ken Starr expressed his appreciation for Haag’s service to Baylor in the press release.

“We know his decision to return to Florida was guided by prayer and a powerful sense of mission and vocation,” Starr said.

Starr also said Baylor has a strong leadership team that will help move Baylor forward during the transition to a new vice president for development and wished the Haags well in their future work.

“We wish the entire Haag family much happiness, and abundant blessings, as they return to their first love,” Starr said regarding the Haags’ passion for helping children.

“Our prayer will be for great success in their vitally important work caring for children and further building the Kingdom.”

Haag said he came from the Florida Baptist Children’s Home to work with Baylor and the Home reached out to him recently and offered for him to come back to his position as president.

He said he and his wife, Christi, prayed and searched for God’s will after they were asked to return.

Haag pinpointed the event that helped lead him to make his decision to resign from Baylor.

He said his wife was teaching Sunday School and she put a picture of him with a Guatemalan child on the board.

Haag said seeing that picture brought tears to his eyes and he realized that he was called to work with children.

“We are passionate and we are sure it is God’s call for us to help children,” Haag said.

Haag also said Baylor showed him many things as a student and while he was working here.

“I found outstanding academics, a good Christian community, and wonderful leaders,” Haag said. “President Starr has been an inspiration for us to be better leaders in the future.”

While the Haags were making the decision about moving back to Florida, they remembered a quote from Frederick Buechner: “The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger.”

Haag said his wish for all Baylor students is that they will find their deep gladness.

“Whether through science, whether through a medical profession, whether through community service, I hope that everyone finds their deep gladness,” Haag said.

Haag said he and his wife will always be Baylor Bears. His last day at Baylor as the vice president for development is March 9.