By Joshua Madden
A&E Editor
Although shortened this week, our weekly “Great Video Game” selection is “Hydro Thunder,” a boat-racing game that found a place in video game history as one of the all-time greatest racing games.
One of the most interesting things about “Hydro Thunder” is that each console’s version of the game had unique features. The PlayStation version had a more extensive single-player mode than the Nintendo 64 version, but the Nintendo 64 had four-player multiplayer. The Dreamcast wasn’t left out either; it had advanced graphics, which were notably advanced at the time the game was released in 1999.
The gameplay in “Hydro Thunder” was what was so much fun. It captured all of the best elements of both home console play while also maintaining every positive aspect from the arcade experience. It was hard to play “Hydro Thunder” without yelling at your screen.
Twelve years later, it’s still that much fun to play. “Hydro Thunder” has aged remarkably well and that’s why it’s a great video game.
If you think you know of a great video game, email us.