Browsing: public relations

Uptmore said that since becoming Southlake PD’s public information officer, his two main objectives have always been to humanize the badge and provide transparency. According to Uptmore, most police departments communicated in rigid, formal language at the time of his hiring. He said he changed that by using a more conversational tone, making messages more relatable and engaging.

The Student Body Constitution states that fall elections must occur prior to the sixth Friday of the semester, which would be Oct. 4. However, a delay arose due to a previously unfilled vacancy in the electoral commissioner position, Hewitt sophomore and senate public relations chair Naomi Burgess said.

“[If you] remind yourself it isn’t real and temper your thoughts… then that can take a little bit of the power away from it, but it definitely still does have an influence,” Bates said.

For many in the public relations field, protecting the public’s interest has caused them to raise ethical questions.

A study recently published by Dr. Marlene Neill, lecturer in the journalism, public relations and new media department, discusses the trials faced by public relations professionals when they acted as the “organizational conscience” inside of a company.

“The study focuses on the how and why public relations professionals raise ethical concerns,” Neill said. “It explores their motivations and what techniques they use to raise their concerns to senior managers.”