The AfterDark Variety Show, presented by the student productions committee, kicked off family weekend. The show aims to showcase Baylor’s many talents to new freshmen and their visiting families. Friday night’s show was emceed by First Gentleman Brad Livingstone.
Browsing: musicians
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to travel all the way to Dallas, Houston, or Austin this fall to get a fun live music experience. Here are some of the best shows to look out for this Fall taking place in the 254 that you don’t want to miss.
Music is at its best when a story is being told, whether the story is being told in one song or throughout an entire album.
Imagine a world without people such as Beethoven, Picasso, Morgan Freeman and the Beatles.
All of these people are artists. They are painters, musicians and actors — people who create art for others to enjoy. However, all these artists had to learn their craft from somewhere.
A recent bill approved by the House of Representatives committee will cut funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.
Yesterday, the music portion of the Waco Independent Media Expo, held at Common Grounds coffee shop in Waco, showcased a diverse range of musicians.
The music festival began slowly with Common Grounds staff members composing a large amount of this audience, along with a small handful of music supporters.