Browsing: Kevin Dougherty

The three finalists for the 2024 award, Dr. Jay Banner, Dr. Claire Katz and Dr. Kelly Lambert, were selected from a pool of nominees by a committee of Baylor faculty. The committee evaluates the strategies the faculty use to build relationships with their students to help them connect to the content they are studying.

Three brothers will be part of a panel discussion titled “All in the Family: Creativity Across the Disciplines Through Three Brothers” at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Kayser Auditorium. The brothers, Ted, Charles and Paul Chihara, have doctoral degrees in mathematics, philosophy and music, respectively.

In a survey administered by the Baylor chapter of the NAACP to 406 Baylor students earlier this semester, 82 percent stated they are in an interracial relationship or would consider dating someone of another race.

The influence of small groups on congregants’ commitment and participation, particularly in large congregations, was the topic of a recent study conducted by Baylor researchers.