Browsing: Founders Mall

“A lot of students want to have their pictures taken [at Founders Mall] because of how pretty it is, and how Baylor-esque it is. And so with not being able to go around there at all, you have to re-plan your entire set of locations and rethink how you can still have a Baylor senior photo shoot without a location that’s so central to Baylor,” campus photographer Catherine Kramer said.

Leaving the Judge Baylor statue in place serves as a hateful reminder of Baylor’s past in a place intended to remember the lives of the enslaved people who built the original Independence campus. Allowing the statue to stand in the heart of campus diminishes the value of Baylor’s efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive campus.

On Oct. 25, 1946, the first 84 of 144 granite lampposts were erected at Founder’s Mall on Baylor’s campus to honor Baylor men and women who gave their lives in military service.