Browsing: Division of Student Life

The Baylor Division of Student Life is currently accepting applications for the Shepherd Internship Program at Washington and Lee University.

This is a summer internship offered to anyone interested in using what they have learned in the classroom to improve the lives of others.

The Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty, led by Washington and Lee, includes different universities from across the nation. The consortium’s efforts are focused on preparing students “for a lifetime of professional and civic efforts to diminish poverty and enhance human capability.”

Anyone walking through Fountain Mall lately may have noticed the tall green fences blocking off a construction site wedged near the tennis courts and Marrs McLean Gymnasium. This weekend that barrier will vanish and observers can view Baylor’s National Pan-Hellenic Council Garden for the first time, a project four years in the making.

Baylor’s freshman class earned the highest standardized test scores an incoming class at Baylor ever has and helped drive overall enrollment past the 15,000-student mark for the first time.

A panel of campus leaders met with students to answer questions on topics ranging from Baylor’s stance on conceal and carry legislation to the university’s denial of a charter for the Sexual Identity Forum in a university town hall meeting Wednesday.

Student Government will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday during which students can participate in a Q&A session with President Ken Starr, Dr. Kevin Jackson, vice president for student life, and Houston senior Michael Wright, student body president. The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in Draper 116.

The university denied the Sexual Identity Forum’s request for an official student organization charter for a final time last Friday, leaving officers of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender discussion group dissatisfied and seeking a more thorough explanation.

Dr. Kevin Jackson, vice president for student life, is expected to come to an official decision today on whether to grant a charter to a group promoting discussion of issues pertaining to gay and lesbian students, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

Popular Christian authors Anne Lamott and Donald Miller will meet with an audience of students, faculty and the general public to discuss writing as an act of faith at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Jones Concert Hall in the Glennis McCrary Music Building.