Author: Cole Gee

However, many EPA workers and officials argue they need their budget to help protect the day-to-day health of the American public. From monitoring chemicals and goods in the marketplace to providing grants for environmental research and infrastructure to enforcing laws against environmental waste, the EPA isn’t just an environmental org, but a safety net for the health and safety of many Americans.

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Over the last decade, more and more sports leagues have been programmed to try to drain every last dollar they can from their fans through multiple subscription services for games, high stadium prices or overpriced gear — or in this case, renaming every sports award, game or halftime show after companies and brands.

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For many artists and organizations today, their benefactor isn’t a rich nobleman but the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA is an organization that provides financial grants to artists to help support creative endeavors and education. The work NEA does goes far beyond just financial support; they’re also a resource and education center on the importance of the arts for the public.

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Student businesses like Koroluk’s aren’t bringing in millions upon millions of dollars daily. Therefore, he doesn’t have the financial capital to absorb any damages tariffs and inflation can unleash at a time. This means nearly everything from the production to even the shipping itself has to adjust until the economy settles down.

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The issue some lawmakers and teachers have with Project 2025 regarding the DOE is the funding the DOE provides to thousands of local schools and programs through its $80 billion budget. From supporting public school programs, students with disabilities, and providing student loans for college, these people may be vulnerable if a ban passes.

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Texas has earned a reputation around the country for its power grid failing under various conditions. Whether it’s power outages due to Hurricane Beryl or winter freezes, the power grid has failed Texans before, and now many experts worry about if its infrastructure can handle the strain of these new data centers.

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Moderna recently received $590 million to help develop vaccines to fight the virus. Their protein-based vaccines have had great success against other pathogens such as COVID-19, and having them in great supply could help quell any future pandemic.

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Some of the most beautiful parts of life can be found in film, literature, art or any other creative endeavor. Writing off an entire hobby because they’re “film bro interests” or any other pretentious label does more harm than good. You’re isolating yourself from an entirely new world to explore, all out of fear of standing out too much.

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Born from the ashes of Vine and, TikTok has captured the attention spans of Americans for half a decade. But despite an order from the Supreme Court that would’ve forced TikTok to sell or be banned in the United States, American users still have the ability to scroll on their ‘For You’ pages due to President Donald Trump signing an executive order on Monday that delays the ban.

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For years, franchises in the movie and entertainment industries were considered a safe bet for producers and investors to make money. Recently, however, major cinematic universes have begun to weigh down on the industry, as many people want more creative and ambitious films instead.

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The era of cheap streaming and easy convenience is all but gone. For the sake of your wallet and maybe your sanity, it’s probably best to look for new ways to watch your favorite shows — because if these past months in the entertainment industry have shown us anything, it’s that Hollywood will do whatever it takes to make a cheap buck.

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Sports is a journey, and for some fans, that journey is smooth sailing, while for others, it’s complete torture. However, the feeling of watching your team climb out of the gutter back into relevance is a glorious experience. So, whenever you’re watching your team get dusted in the third quarter of a game by what feels like a comical amount of points, try to cling to hope. Remember every dog has its day, and no team can stay bad forever.

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