The Amish Project is a fictional story written by Jessica Dickey and was inspired by the 2006 Nickel Mines school shootings.
Baylor’s Theatre Department is putting on a rendition of the play directed by John-Michael Marrs.
LTVN was able to speak with Marrs and a few of the actors in the play.
When asked how he was feeling with the play just days away from opening night, North Dakota junior, Josiah Bender said he was excited and added, “It’s a lot like finals or a paper deadline.”
“It feels so far away then suddenly it’s here. I am nervous but more excited for this finally to come together in its full-ness,” Bender said.
“My favorite things about working at Baylor are the students and the stories we get to tell,” Marrs said.
Louisiana junior, Haley Evans said, “People should be drawn to theatre because it challenges people in many different things.”
The production is set to run March 21st through the 26th.
“Theatre is an incredible opportunity to see real-life people and real-life things that evoke all these different emotions that can really help in an average life. It is something everyone should experience,” Evans said.
The department is also presenting Noises Off directed by Stan Denman as their last main-stage of this school year. Tickets for this play will go on sale April 10th.