Author: Mesha Mittanasala

Mesha Mittanasala is a sophmore University Scholars Major concentrating in Political Science, Economics, and Ethnic Studies from San Francisco, CA. She is excited to cover all sports, especially football and basktball. After graudation, she hopes to pursue a career as a lawyer or a career in politics.

Oftentimes, required classes may seem unnecessary and unhelpful in our everyday lives. However, each one has been chosen to further our education and our perspectives at Baylor. Classes that should be added to this list are those emphasizing cultural conversations. This could include English classes that focus on multicultural literature, history classes that examine a certain ethnic group, medical humanities classes that discuss race in medicine and so many more.

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year … for retailers. This Black Friday, consumers are expected to spend $148 billion on in-store and online purchases. Everyone loves Black Friday — standing in hour-long lines for a 50% discount, getting your workout in while walking through the mall and leaving with 12 bags of new outfits at 3 a.m. But are you really going to use all those appliances and wear all those clothes?

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