Kindness is a cure for yourself and others

By Kassidy Tsikitas | Staff Writer

Kindness is a trait everyone is capable of and should practice. Kindness is a great power to have, and it comes along with not expecting anything in return.

What more can you want than the feeling of satisfaction after doing a kind act?

You don’t have to donate a million dollars to show an act of kindness, sometimes that’s looked at as selfish since it’s done for a “feel good” moment. Kindness isn’t hard to practice. You just have to watch out you’re not looking for the feel good moment, and that is asking for something big in return.

There are many different tiers to kindness: being kind to yourself, others and the world. A simple compliment to brighten someone’s day, recycling or picking up trash that is on the floor is enough.

A great example of expressing this action would be in the workplace. A study published by the Science Dail from Penn State showed that many people feel discouraged or signs of depression after being torn down every day. With a little positive reinforcement, your mental health can actually have a turnaround.

A medically reviewed article published by Michele Lent Hirsch and Jessica Migala, shares that scientific research on kindness can prolong your life.

“It’s not that practicing kindness eliminates the stressor itself (it can’t, for instance, make your deadline go away); but regularly practicing kindness bolsters your ability to cope and respond more calmly to stressors that show up,” the article said.

They continue to talk about how kindness can cure issues such as anxiety and depression, and overall health. The writers also go on to explain a study about adults over the age of 50 who found a purpose in their life with small acts of kindness. The article said, “46% lower risk of mortality, as well as more optimism and less loneliness.”

If you like to go the extra route of religion, read the article written by Stephen Witmer called “Kindness Changes Everything.”

“Our kindness reflects the heart of our Father. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32),” Witmer said.

Multiple times in the article, he references the Bible to show us that God has reflected kindness through his actions many times. He also mentions big topics such as asking, “Are we kind?”

This is a great question to keep in mind as you go about your daily routine. It’s always good to think of your actions, but not overanalyze. Life is here for us to have failures and be successful.

Kindness also routes to our mental well-being. It is good physically and mentally, to change your ways. The most important thing is to not overdo only thinking about others’ benefits of being kind, but yourself. Kindness can also be looked at from a spiritual way. It helps to align the chakras and you to your higher self.

Overall, sometimes adjusting your normal routine and adding a bit more positivity can help you extend your happiness. Remember to always think about how you are feeling and how people are treating you. Kindness can go a long way.

Kassidy Tsikitas
Kassidy Tsikitas is a junior journalism major from New Jersey and a minor in film and digital media. In her third semester at the Lariat, she is excited to take on the role of Photo Editor. In her time here, she has learned the written and visual parts of a newspaper. She is most excited to take on a leadership role and learn new things.