When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is probably reach over to your bedside table and pull out your phone to immediately check social media. What about before you go to bed? You’ll probably scroll through Instagram or Twitter for about ten minutes or two hours before going to sleep.
Everyone is guilty of this. Whenever there is a dull moment in your day, it’s so easy to pull out your phone and check social media really quickly and disconnect from those around you. It’s the easy thing to do.
When you do this, your feeding the bad habits that social media have engraved into our minds. Not only are you feeding bad habits with social media, but you’re also at risk of worsening anxiety among other concerns.
According to a study done by researchers at Pittsburgh University, people who heavily use social media are likely to feel social isolation despite the fact that they are digitally connected with everyone around them. The study found that people who use social media for more than two hours every day are twice as likely to have feelings of social isolation than those who spend less than 30 minutes on social media.
Another study done by researchers at Pittsburgh University found that people who use social media are 2.2 times more likely to develop eating disorders and body image concerns. The result of their constant comparison to others can lead to uncertainty in themselves and a lack of self-confidence.
A simple solution to both of these is to simply take a break from social media. Cut it off cold turkey and see how your life and mental health can improve. Sure, you’ll miss out on seeing your friends posting cool pictures or something to fill those quick five minutes of downtime you have but it forces you to be present. Living in the moment is something this generation is missing because of social media and people feel more lonely than ever as a result of that.
A social media detox is worth a try and can greatly improve your mental health.