By Megan Rule | Staff Writer
The Republican watch party had a happy ending Tuesday as Republican candidate and businessman Donald Trump won the presidential nomination.
“I’m very excited. I think the country has lost its way, and this is a good sign,” said League City junior Austin Hubbert. “I’m not 100 percent sure what Trump will do, but it looks like a grassroots movement. It looks good.”
The watch party took place in the Den of the Bill Daniel Student Center with pizza, cupcakes and drinks for the students who went to watch. The watch party had a solid turnout with an engaged audience as state results rolled in from Fox News.
“This was a great turnout tonight,” said Little Rock, Ark., senior Sara Grove, the co-chairman of Baylor College Republicans. “All our events so far have filled the SUB Den, and we’ve had at least half our members participate, so everyone’s excited.”
Throughout the watch party, the S&P Futures stock projections continued to drop, but the mood became more uplifted. Despite projections of plunging future stock markets, students’ excitement levels grew with increasing chances for a Trump presidency. The Republican victory in Texas sparked quite a bit of excitement among the crowd, and cheers erupted with the victory of Louisiana.
“It doesn’t surprise me that Texas went Republican,” said Argyle freshman Madison Crow. “I voted libertarian, but this is Texas, a typically Republican state.”
With major Republican victories in states such as Ohio, Florida and North Carolina, Clinton’s chances became damaged. However, a collective groan broke out in the crowd as Clinton claimed a Virginia victory.
“I think the victories in states like Florida, North Carolina and Ohio are essential to what we [Republicans] needed to win,” said Missouri City freshman Amayah Brown. “Without those states, a victory wouldn’t be possible, so they’re definitely a step in the right direction.”
With the announcement of Wisconsin and Iowa, Fox News reporter Eric Bolling said, “You are watching history being made.”
The addition of a Georgia victory meant Trump needed only 16 more electoral votes to win, which had students jumping out of their seats at this point. By the end of the night, the SUB Den was an ecstatic room.
“This is my third year as co-chairman, and every year we have a bigger crowd participate,” Grove said. “It means a lot to see students participate and care about the election, and I think its very important for millennials to see the importance of this year’s race.”