Waco has grown to become a prime hub for home goods and decor with the Magnolia takeover in recent years. However despite some overlapping niches, local boutique Lane’s on Austin Avenue continues to find ways to thrive as it extends its lifetime-long existence of over 75 years.
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“If I were to die tomorrow, I don’t want people’s experience with me to be like, ‘Oh, he had a lot of money,'” Kagen said. “He stayed in one place his whole entire life. Yeah, he was great. This guy was a great accountant’ — nothing against accountants.”
“I mean, if you’re not gonna have fun, why do it if it’s your job? My band is all my friends from home, so it’s pretty easy to go up there and have fun, and I just think to not take yourself too seriously is a good quality.”
In the crowd at ACL, the community created by Movements is larger than the sum of its parts. As Miranda goads a mosh pit into existence and plays on while long-haired, shirtless and sunburned fans crowd surf, something is created that goes beyond the headcount.
“There’s a lot of creativity that goes into football and how you approach things,” Mastrodicasa said. “A lot of the work ethic is very similar to piano. There’s almost like a hyperfixation when you’re trying to learn a song. I think the same can be said when you’re trying to master a football technique or when you’re trying to get in the zone for a game. It’s very similar to just sitting at the piano for hours, just losing yourself in the music.”
“Music will always be a part of my life, even if it’s just like sitting down to record an idea in just the little bit of free time I have or going on tours in the summer,” Garza said. “I’m definitely not going to stop playing music anytime soon. I still have ideas and these journal entries to put into songs. So all that is gonna continue for a long time.”
“It’s like there was a waterfall rushing down my throat and pushing down my words and music,” Bohling said. “I think it’s so ironic that God used music to deliver me from that because it’s like something you go on stage, and you have to be confident and do all those things, but I literally couldn’t speak to anyone.”
“I feel like that’s when I had a moment of commitment,” said Yeager, a San Mateo, Calif., sophomore who was recently named Highland Baptist Church’s youngest-ever College Guys Associate. “For the first time, I understood what that meant of like, ‘Oh yeah, I want to be committed to the Lord every day, and I want to live a life for him — worthy of the Lord in every way and bearing fruit in every good work.’”
For two months, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., senior Ethan Moore said he got an Army internship working at the U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany, an experience that changed him forever.
The Baylor Bears are sweet to the 16th degree.