By Kalena Reynolds | Staff Writer

At 8 p.m. on Sunday at Common Grounds, alumnae and current “The Voice” contestant Tori Templet performed an array of original songs in a show alongside opener and Vail, Colo. senior Langley Cerovich.

He started with a soft and melodic acoustic song that included various vocals and guitar riffs, ultimately blending to produce the notes of a Jeff Buckley-esque song.

The first song transitioned seamlessly into the next as Cerovich meshed a riff into “Blackbird” and broke into a harmonic, folk version of the notable Beatles song. Following the cover, Cerovich introduced himself and noted his long-time friendship with headliner Tori Templet, calling her an inspiration to his own career.

“She’s really been an inspiration,” Cerovich said. “I feel like I’m following in her footsteps, like Baylor concerts and all these things and recording music.”

Cerovich then played a slow and nostalgic song called “Homebound,” a track from his EP which was recorded at Baylor. This song showcased visual writing, emotional lyrics and a driving chorus that somehow made somber sound danceable.

Following this song, Cerovich explained how his main inspiration came from losing his friends. He described the next song as an ode to one of his friends who passed away from cancer, titled “How to Ease a Dying Mind” which included a heartfelt and passionate guitar breakdown.

Cerovich also noted that today was the first anniversary of his music career. He said he recorded that first song while hiking in sub-zero weather. Cerovich then went into playing a cover of Bob Dylan’s song “Moonshiner.”

As he introduced his last song, he said he wrote it about his family, specifically his dad, who was inspired by generational mistakes.

As Templet took the stage, she invited the audience to stand up and swarm closer to the front. She started with a resonating, warm and bright coffee-shop-type song. During the bridge, she invited listeners to sing with her, and a soft chorus broke out within the audience.

Before Templet’s second song, she took off her 2022 Baylor Line Jersey as an ode to her time at the university, which she viewed as both nostalgic and a learning experience that contributed to her songwriting.

At the end of the song, Templet noted that she “sings that song with her chest” and continued explaining her next song, which was inspired and written while she was a freshman living in Penland Residence Hall.

“It truly is so full circle to be back here and get to perform here tonight,” Templet said. “And also, the only people that I will know in the crowd are people that maybe drove in from Austin or Dallas or something, or the people that I was friends with when they were freshmen because I was a senior.”

Templet then explained how her blind audition for “The Voice” had recently aired, and she ended up on Adam Levine’s team. She continued with a Maroon 5 cover of “Sunday Morning.”

As the set continued, Templet sang an upbeat, danceable song with lyrics about loving oneself and embracing one’s flaws.

Halfway through the set, Templet invited her friend and fellow competitor on “The Voice,” Britton Moore from San Antonio, to perform a cover of “Yellow” by Coldplay with her. Afterward, the duo performed an original called “In Between,” which they wrote while filming for “The Voice.”

The song shared notes of intimacy, and between Templet’s beautifully toned soprano voice and Moore’s riffing chops, the duo created bright and mesmerizing harmonies that were nothing short of ear-catching.

Moore explained at the end of the song that both he and Templet had previously been worship leaders and felt that experience deeply impacted their experience as musicians and performers.

The duo then moved into a duet called “Time” by Aodhán King and Lauren Daigle.

Templet then moved into a somber song, ultimately explaining the miscommunication in dating and friendships. Following her original, Templet performed a cover of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, pausing halfway in the middle to escape from a swarm of bugs.

Templet then shouted out her fellow Chi Omegas and put her own Chi Omega jersey on while explaining her next story about a failed crush she had at Baylor.

Eventually, Templet transitioned into an angelic cover of Billie Eilish’s “Birds of a Feather.” She ended by thanking the audience, Cerovich and everyone working at Common Grounds. Before Templet’s final song, she gave one last ode to her time at Baylor and performed a final original song that showcased the true vulnerability behind her music.

Kalena Reynolds is a junior Journalism major from Phoenix, AZ with minors in art history and media management. In her third semester at the Lariat, she is excited to continue her love of writing and story telling. Aside from writing, Kalena is also on the equestrian team at Baylor and has a deep love for music and songwriting. After graduation, she plans to go into the music industry.

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