By Tyler White | Sports Writer

One thing we are often told as college students is to enjoy our opportunities. College is a time of new experiences and trying things we may have never done before. I truly believe this is a time in your life when you can be a part of things you would have never imagined and engage in activities you may have never thought of. It is all very exciting and definitely worth trying out, but I think it is equally important to take a moment and soak it all in.

As a senior entering my final semester at Baylor, it’s all starting to hit me at once. I’ve been able to do so many awesome things throughout my time here, including joining the Baylor cheer team without prior experience. All of these new adventures have been nothing short of amazing — but now they’re starting to come to an end. It’s in these final moments that I’m realizing how important it is to sit back and take it all in.

Now, you may be thinking this is a very cliche thing to say. Everyone has heard it at least once in their life. But think about it for a minute. Why might it be cliche? I think it is talked about a lot because it’s true — and I think it’s something that is often taken for granted.

Throughout my time here, I’ve heard from friends and family that I should reflect on college life. I’ve even read numerous Lariat articles saying the same thing: Don’t let time slip away. I truly believed that I hadn’t let it slip away and that I was fully appreciating it. Yet here we are, almost four years later, and it feels like everything has gone by too quickly for my liking.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all to feel like your time in college has gone by quickly. I believe you can take joy in knowing you have enjoyed your time so much that it seems to have flown by without a moment’s notice.

Wherever you are in your college journey, I encourage you to take the time to appreciate what you are a part of. Cherish the friendships that have made you a better person. Express your gratitude to the organizations that you have been able to grow and develop with. Take the time to sit back and ponder what college life has done for you. Whether your graduation is four months away or four years away, take a step back, breathe and allow everything to set in. Don’t let your last semester take you by surprise one day.

Tyler White is a senior Journalism major from Yorba Linda, California, with minors in religion and philosophy. He is most looking forward to developing his writing and reporting craft in the Lariat and to work alongside other writers. As a member of the Baylor Coed Cheer team, he enjoys supporting all Baylor sports. After graduation, he plans on going to grad school and eventually working in publication for the music industry.

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