By Rachel Leland
Staff Writer
President and Chancellor Ken Starr announced the appointment of Dr. Todd D. Still as Dean of George W. Truett Theological Seminary on Wednesday Feb. 25.
Still will begin his term as dean June 1 and will replace Dr. W. Dennis Tucker, who has served as interim dean since Dr. David Garland stepped down to serve as interim Pro Vost.
Vice Provost Larry Lyons chaired an eight-member search committee, which began looking for a candidate in August 2014.
Still, who has taught at Truett Seminary since 2003, earned his B.A. in Greek from Baylor in 1988.
Although Still said he is aware that the responsibilities of his new position may conflict with teaching, he said he hopes to teach as much as time allows.
“I love s t u d e nt s and cannot i m a g i n e myself outside of the classroom,” Still said.
As a licensed and o r d a i n e d B a p t i s t minis t e r, Still often serves in ministry positions in across the state of Texas. He is serves as an interim preacher at First Baptist Church in Midland. Still has been there since January and flies to Midland every Saturday before returning to Waco on Monday morning.
As dean, Still said he does not expect to continue as a full-time interim pastor. However, he hopes
to occasionally preach at churches when time allows.
The dean-to-be said he is determined to continue publishing while performing his other duties as dean.
Still is currently under contract to write a reading of 1-2 Corinthians for The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge publishing.
He is married to Carolyn, a 1990 Baylor graduate.