By Elliott Nace | Staff Writer

A downed power line dangled over a portion of road between 7th and 8th Street at Speight Avenue on Wednesday, causing power outages across several buildings within the immediate area.

The downed line and outage prompted an immediate response from facilities and the Waco Fire Department, who fixed the line by the late afternoon.

According to a Baylor News Flash email sent to students, affected buildings included the Armstrong Browning Library, Bobo Spiritual Life Center, Carroll Library, McMullen-Connally Faculty Center and Tidwell Bible Building. All affected buildings were diverted to auxiliary power.

The email urged students to “avoid the area at this time.”

BUPD began to address the issue by blocking off the road between Armstrong Browning Library and Waco Hall. Following this, facilities alongside aid from both Oncor and TDIndustries, shut off the power connected to the downed line to safely fix it.

Elliott Nace is a sophomore University Scholars major with a secondary Major in Classics from Tyler, Texas. He loves studying languages and talking about popular music. Following graduation, he plans to pursue graduate work in the field of languages and literature.

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