By Meredith Howard | Staff Writer

Political groups on campus are staying informed this fall’s debate season while also taking part in October’s Halloween festivities.

Baylor’s branch of the Network of Enlightened Women (NeW) hosted an event Monday night called “Pumpkins and Politics” to watch last week’s 2020 Democratic Party presidential debate and paint pumpkins.

NeW is a national organization that promotes conservative policies and “expands intellectual diversity” through discussions with a “like-minded community” of conservative women.

Despite the national organization’s conservative-specific mission, Lubbock senior Jordan Davidson, vice president of Baylor’s NeW branch, said she welcomes members from across the political spectrum.

“We have quite a few members who don’t agree with a lot of conservative ideals, but that’s why we like it so much. We have such a variety of beliefs, and you really can’t have a conversation unless you have people with a variety of backgrounds and ideals,” Davidson said. “We love being able to open up the conversation and be able to politely and civilly discuss different issues, and more importantly find solutions that we can all agree on.”

Along with women who have different political beliefs, NeW also allows men to join, although the organization was designed to hand the mic to conservative women.

“There is a lack of female representation in political groups on campus; they tend to be more male-dominated, so we wanted to have a specific space and community for women to get together, feel comfortable sharing their ideas – just kind of growing from that,” Albuquerque senior Jamie Levie, NeW’s president, said.

NeW has biweekly meetings from 7-8 p.m. Mondays at 101 Cashion Academic Center.

Baylor Democrats is also hosting a fall-themed political event this month. Spooky Politics Night will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 28 at 101 Cashion Academic Center. This event will be a “Halloween themed discussion night featuring current events and politics,” and free food will be provided.

The goal of Baylor Democrats is “to support and promote the ideals of the Democratic youth, recognizing the humanitarian concern for the equal rights and opportunities of all people as a primary concern of government.”

Baylor Democrats’ weekly meetings are at 6 p.m. Wednesdays in 101 Cashion.

More information about political organization involvement on campus can be found on the Baylor website.

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