Freshman year is here. You are settled into your dorm. You have found your classes. The world is at your fingertips. For some of you, this may be your first time in Texas. You are away from what is familiar and have entered into a new, unfamiliar journey. For others, attending Baylor may have been spoken over you from the time you could walk. In a world where it can become easy to rush to the next chapter, enjoy this season that you are in.

As a freshman, there is no better time to explore and begin creating your Baylor footprint than now. There is an entire community that wants and has been awaiting for your arrival. Make the most of your Baylor experience by participating in freshman year traditions. Traditions are a large part of what makes up this university, so don’t hold back from making the most of all that is right in front of you. Start checking off items on the Baylor Bucket List.

You have all heard of “That Good Old Baylor Line.” Welcome. Storming the football field right before kickoff is an experience that not every freshman at a university gets to experience. Put on that line jersey, grab your friends and make the most of this tradition. With seven home football games this seasons, you do not want to miss out on this tradition. Yes, the heat can be brutal, but these are the memories that you will never forget.

There are countless ways to get involved on campus, and the perfect way to explore the student organizations that Baylor has is by attending Mosaic Mixer or Late Night. There is a club or organization for almost any interest you may have. Stop by the booths and ask questions.

Learn about this history of your university. Attend Freshman Mass Meeting during Homecoming Week. Stay off of your phones in Chapel, which is a tradition that has been around since 1846. You will hear from a variety of leaders and speakers your two semesters attending these services.

Building a community during your freshman year is an essential way to maximize your Baylor experience. This may be your first time sharing a room or a living space with someone, however living in a dorm during your freshman year allows you to get out of your comfort zone a bit. This may take some getting used to, but you never know what could turn into a lasting friendship. Your community leaders have been training and anxiously awaiting you to be here. Attend community events in the residential halls.

Look up. There is a whole world around you. Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Make the very most of each and every day. Before you know it, it will be time to walk the stage and into an entirely new world.

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