Dr. Heidi Bostic, chair of the modern language and cultures department and professor of French, has been named the Texas Foreign Language Association’s Higher Education Administrator of the Year. Bostic will accept the award at the association’s annual conference in Houston on Oct. 17.

“The award is really an award for our department,” Bostic said. “It’s recognition of all kinds of ways in which our department has been innovative, and in which the faculty has worked to ensure student success.”

Many of the programs the department offers are programs Bostic believes are on the forefront modern language education. The department has developed several courses, including a language in media and cinema class.

“The award really signals the quality of our faculty,” Bostic said.

“Our faculty are wonderful scholars and they publish widely. They present their research at conferences, and at the same time they are very available to students and they are passionate about teaching.”

Bostic is quick to credit the department and others for the award. Billie Hulke, senior lecturer in Spanish, nominated Bostic for the award.

“She represents the epitome of passionate leadership,” Hulke said. “I see excellence in relationships, service, stewardship and the fostering of global relationships.”

Bostic’s many contributions to the department demonstrate her commitment to the department and to its faculty.

“Her passion and vision create a prestigious department, and her personable enthusiasm promotes a climate for strong camaraderie among faculty, staff and students,” Hulke said.

The department has created eight new secondary majors, Bostic said. The ability to study a language along with another major is very important to today’s students.

“Lots of students across all areas of study are choosing language as their second major because studying other languages and cultures pairs beautifully with any other area you are in,” Bostic said.

The newest secondary major is Arabic and Middle East Studies, which has become very popular, Bostic said. There is a brand new study abroad program in Tel Aviv, Israel. Many students have begun studying abroad in Egypt as well.

“Across the board we have really innovative study abroad programs,” Bostic said. The newest of these is Baylor in Tuscany, Italy.

The department has been involved in the living and learning center Baylor and Beyond as well. The living-learning center is for students who want to be embedded in the language and culture that they chose to study, Bostic said.

The award has given Baylor positive light in the language and cultures field.

“We offer a lot to students, both in the classroom, and beyond the classroom,” Bostic said.

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