“Extreme Couponing” participant Kelly Gibbs is set to speak today over coupons and savings from 3:30 and 7 p.m. today at the Bellmead Civic Center.
Skye Duncan | Photo Editor

By Rebecca Flannery
Staff Writer

Coupons are reaching a different audience.

Kelly Gibbs, featured on the TLC show “Extreme Couponing,” will be speaking at 3:30 and 7 p.m. today  at the Bellmead Civic Center and 3:30 and 7 p.m. Thursday at The Barn in Hewitt about taking advantage of coupons.

Waco Tribune-Herald is sponsoring the free events, which should be registered for in advance at wacotrib.com/coupons.

Derek Ivey, Waco Tribune-Herald circulation sales manager, said there are still several spots left in each seminar. Ivey said the seminars would benefit any student looking to save money.

“I was a college student once so I know how money can get kind of tight,” Ivey said. “This will provide students a way to get the process of saving money down to a science.”

Ivey said Gibbs travels around the country speaking about her experience with coupons. On the show, she said she was able to cut her grocery bills down by 50 percent thanks to the coupons she used.

Waco senior Shannon Findley said she thinks people featured on the TLC show take the coupon situation too far.

“I always thought people on the show were kinda crazy,” Findley said. “I think in moderation coupons can be helpful for students. The ones they have out at H.E.B. always help me think of meals to put together.”

Findley said she would be interested to go to the seminars to hear the logic behind some of the more extreme parts of the television show.

Those featured on the reality show have first-rate shopping skills, according to imdb.com.

“They use those clippings to stockpile thousands of dollars in merchandise for a fraction of the cost,” according to the website.

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