“I want to be famous.” My grandson told me that when he was 6. I repeat: “6.”
By Wakeelah Crutison Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t believe Facebook is the proper conduit…
Higher costs, less learning and increased apathy — those are the afflictions of higher education. Scholars have begun to delve into these problems and the findings are astounding. Yet still, the people within academia aren’t reacting because money is still flowing in and college is still enjoyable. We have to alter the system and we should start now.
Baylor displayed a major flaw in its emergency alert system last Monday when 4,800 students did not receive a notification regarding the presence of two armed men on campus.
I love football — specifically the NFL.
A month into my college career, a professor began class by discussing Netflix. I knew about Netflix, of course, but I had never seriously considered becoming a member.
An article from Publisher’s Weekly reported earlier this month that a university professor and a book publisher have agreed to edit and print a revised version of Mark Twain’s classic novel, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”
As Andrew Hacker and I began researching our book, “Higher Education?” we were struck by how few questions parents raised when considering the quarter-of-a-million-dollar investment that four years at a private college or university could cost them.