Presidential Pizza Survey

    The Lariat recently asked you a question based on a pressing political isssue- what does our pizza say about our president.

    When asked, 44.4 percent of you said you preferred pepperoni. Sausage lovers were 11.1 percent of the responses. Twenty two percent preferred plain cheese, and 5.6 percent preferred either vegetables or canadian bacon.

    When asked how important pizza preference was in choosing presidential candidates, 38.9 percent were neutral, 33.3 percent said very, very important, 16.7 percent said very important and 11.1 percent said important.

    When asked what toppings you wanted the Commander in Chief to have 27.8 percent said pepperoni, 11.1 percent said hamburger, sausage or bacon, 16.7 percent said vegetables or plain cheese and 5.6 percent said bacon.

    When asked what brand preference represents the best foreign policy potential 22.2 percent said Pizza Hut or Little Caesar’s, 16.7 percent said Pappa John’s or Poppa Rollo’s, 5.6 percent said Double Dave’s or Domino’s, and 11.1 percent said Shorty’s or Papa Murphy’s.

    You all preferred the Cowboys.